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  1.  romname  driver      cpu 1   cpu 2   cpu 3   sound 1   sound 2   sound 3   name
  2. --------  ----------  -----   -----   -----   -------   -------   -------   --------------------------
  3. pacman    pacman.c    Z80                     Namco                         Pac Man (Midway)
  4. pacmod    pacman.c    Z80                     Namco                         Pac Man (harder)
  5. namcopac  pacman.c    Z80                     Namco                         Pac Man (Namco)
  6. pacmanjp  pacman.c    Z80                     Namco                         Pac Man (Namco, alternate)
  7. hangly    pacman.c    Z80                     Namco                         Hangly Man
  8. puckman   pacman.c    Z80                     Namco                         Puck Man
  9. piranha   pacman.c    Z80                     Namco                         Piranha
  10. pacplus   pacman.c    Z80                     Namco                         Pac Man with Pac Man Plus graphics
  11. mspacman  pacman.c    Z80                     Namco                         Ms. Pac Man
  12. mspacatk  pacman.c    Z80                     Namco                         Miss Pac Plus
  13. crush     pacman.c    Z80                     Namco                         Crush Roller
  14. eyes      pacman.c    Z80                     Namco                         Eyes
  15. ponpoko   pacman.c    Z80                     Namco                         Ponpoko
  16. lizwiz    pacman.c    Z80                     Namco                         Lizard Wizard
  17. theglob   pacman.c    Z80                     Namco                         The Glob (Pac Man hardware)
  18. maketrax  maketrax.c  Z80                     Namco                         Make Trax
  19. pengo     pengo.c     Z80                     Namco                         Pengo (set 1)
  20. pengo2    pengo.c     Z80                     Namco                         Pengo (set 2)
  21. pengo2u   pengo.c     Z80                     Namco                         Pengo (set 2 unencrypted)
  22. penta     pengo.c     Z80                     Namco                         Penta
  23. jrpacman  jrpacman.c  Z80                     Namco                         Jr. Pac Man
  24. galaxian  galaxian.c  Z80                     Custom                        Galaxian (Namco)
  25. galmidw   galaxian.c  Z80                     Custom                        Galaxian (Midway)
  26. galnamco  galaxian.c  Z80                     Custom                        Galaxian (Namco, modified)
  27. superg    galaxian.c  Z80                     Custom                        Super Galaxians
  28. galapx    galaxian.c  Z80                     Custom                        Galaxian Part X
  29. galap1    galaxian.c  Z80                     Custom                        Space Invaders Galactica
  30. galap4    galaxian.c  Z80                     Custom                        Galaxian Part 4
  31. galturbo  galaxian.c  Z80                     Custom                        Galaxian Turbo
  32. pisces    galaxian.c  Z80                     Custom                        Pisces
  33. japirem   galaxian.c  Z80                     Custom                        Gingateikoku No Gyakushu
  34. uniwars   galaxian.c  Z80                     Custom                        Uniwars
  35. warofbug  galaxian.c  Z80                     Custom                        War of the Bugs
  36. redufo    galaxian.c  Z80                     Custom                        Defend the Terra Attack on the Red UFO
  37. pacmanbl  galaxian.c  Z80                     Custom                        Pac Man (bootleg on Galaxian hardware)
  38. mooncrgx  galaxian.c  Z80                     Custom                        Moon Cresta (bootleg on Galaxian hardware)
  39. mooncrst  mooncrst.c  Z80                     Custom                        Moon Cresta (Nichibutsu)
  40. mooncrsg  mooncrst.c  Z80                     Custom                        Moon Cresta (Gremlin)
  41. mooncrsb  mooncrst.c  Z80                     Custom                        Moon Cresta (bootleg)
  42. fantazia  mooncrst.c  Z80                     Custom                        Fantazia
  43. eagle     mooncrst.c  Z80                     Custom                        Eagle
  44. moonqsr   mooncrst.c  Z80                     Custom                        Moon Quasar
  45. checkman  mooncrst.c  Z80     [Z80]           Custom    1xAY-8910           Checkman
  46. moonal2   mooncrst.c  Z80                     Custom                        Moon Alien Part 2
  47. moonal2b  mooncrst.c  Z80                     Custom                        Moon Alien Part 2 (older version)
  48. scramble  scramble.c  Z80     [Z80]           2xAY-8910                     Scramble
  49. atlantis  scramble.c  Z80     [Z80]           2xAY-8910                     Battle of Atlantis
  50. theend    scramble.c  Z80     [Z80]           2xAY-8910                     The End
  51. ckongs    ckongs.c    Z80     [Z80]           2xAY-8910                     Crazy Kong (Scramble Hardware)
  52. froggers  scramble.c  Z80     [Z80]           1xAY-8910                     Frog
  53. amidars   scramble.c  Z80     [Z80]           2xAY-8910                     Amidar (Scramble hardware)
  54. triplep   scramble.c  Z80                     1xAY-8910                     Triple Punch
  55. scobra    scobra.c    Z80     [Z80]           2xAY-8910                     Super Cobra (Stern)
  56. scobrak   scobra.c    Z80     [Z80]           2xAY-8910                     Super Cobra (Konami)
  57. scobrab   scobra.c    Z80     [Z80]           2xAY-8910                     Super Cobra (bootleg)
  58. losttomb  scobra.c    Z80     [Z80]           2xAY-8910                     Lost Tomb
  59. superbon  scobra.c    Z80     [Z80]           2xAY-8910                     Super Bond
  60. anteater  scobra.c    Z80     [Z80]           2xAY-8910                     Ant Eater
  61. rescue    scobra.c    Z80     [Z80]           2xAY-8910                     Rescue
  62. minefld   scobra.c    Z80     [Z80]           2xAY-8910                     Minefield
  63. armorcar  scobra.c    Z80     [Z80]           2xAY-8910                     Armored Car
  64. tazmania  scobra.c    Z80     [Z80]           2xAY-8910                     Tazz-Mania
  65. stratgyx  scobra.c    Z80     [Z80]           2xAY-8910                     Strategy X
  66. stratgyb  scobra.c    Z80     [Z80]           2xAY-8910                     Strong X
  67. darkplnt  scobra.c    Z80     [Z80]           2xAY-8910                     Dark Planet
  68. hustler   scobra.c    Z80     [Z80]           1xAY-8910                     Video Hustler
  69. frogger   frogger.c   Z80     [Z80]           1xAY-8910                     Frogger (set 1)
  70. frogsega  frogger.c   Z80     [Z80]           1xAY-8910                     Frogger (set 2)
  71. frogger2  frogger.c   Z80     [Z80]           1xAY-8910                     Frogger (modified Moon Cresta hardware)
  72. amidar    amidar.c    Z80     [Z80]           2xAY-8910                     Amidar (US)
  73. amidarjp  amidar.c    Z80     [Z80]           2xAY-8910                     Amidar (Japan)
  74. amigo     amidar.c    Z80     [Z80]           2xAY-8910                     Amigo
  75. turtles   amidar.c    Z80     [Z80]           2xAY-8910                     Turtles
  76. turpin    amidar.c    Z80     [Z80]           2xAY-8910                     Turpin
  77. jumpbug   jumpbug.c   Z80                     1xAY-8910                     Jump Bug
  78. jbugsega  jumpbug.c   Z80                     1xAY-8910                     Jump Bug (bootleg)
  79. flyboy    fastfred.c  Z80     [Z80]           2xAY-8910                     Fly-Boy (bootleg?)
  80. fastfred  fastfred.c  Z80     [Z80]           2xAY-8910                     Fast Freddie
  81. jumpcoas  fastfred.c  Z80                     1xAY-8910                     Jump Coaster
  82. cclimber  cclimber.c  Z80                     1xAY-8910 Custom              Crazy Climber (US)
  83. ccjap     cclimber.c  Z80                     1xAY-8910 Custom              Crazy Climber (Japan)
  84. ccboot    cclimber.c  Z80                     1xAY-8910 Custom              Crazy Climber (bootleg)
  85. ckong     cclimber.c  Z80                     1xAY-8910 Custom              Crazy Kong (set 1)
  86. ckonga    cclimber.c  Z80                     1xAY-8910 Custom              Crazy Kong (set 2)
  87. ckongjeu  cclimber.c  Z80                     1xAY-8910 Custom              Crazy Kong (Jeutel bootleg)
  88. ckongalc  cclimber.c  Z80                     1xAY-8910 Custom              Crazy Kong (Alca bootleg)
  89. monkeyd   cclimber.c  Z80                     1xAY-8910 Custom              Monkey Donkey
  90. swimmer   cclimber.c  Z80     [Z80]           2xAY-8910                     Swimmer (set 1)
  91. swimmera  cclimber.c  Z80     [Z80]           2xAY-8910                     Swimmer (set 2)
  92. guzzler   cclimber.c  Z80     [Z80]           2xAY-8910                     Guzzler
  93. friskyt   seicross.c  Z80                     1xAY-8910                     Frisky Tom
  94. seicross  seicross.c  Z80                     1xAY-8910                     Seicross
  95. phoenix   phoenix.c   I8085                                                 Phoenix (Amstar)
  96. phoenixt  phoenix.c   I8085                                                 Phoenix (Taito)
  97. phoenix3  phoenix.c   I8085                                                 Phoenix (T.P.N.)
  98. pleiads   phoenix.c   I8085                                                 Pleiads (Tehkan)
  99. pleiadce  phoenix.c   I8085                                                 Pleiads (Centuri)
  100. naughtyb  naughtyb.c  Z80                                                   Naughty Boy
  101. popflame  naughtyb.c  Z80                                                   Pop Flamer
  102. rallyx    rallyx.c    Z80                     Namco     Samples             Rally X
  103. nrallyx   rallyx.c    Z80                     Namco     Samples             New Rally X
  104. locomotn  locomotn.c  Z80     [Z80]           2xAY-8910                     Loco-Motion
  105. jungler   locomotn.c  Z80     [Z80]           2xAY-8910                     Jungler
  106. commsega  locomotn.c  Z80     [Z80]           2xAY-8910                     Commando (Sega)
  107. bosco     bosco.c     Z80     Z80     Z80     Namco     Samples   Custom    Bosconian (Midway)
  108. bosconm   bosco.c     Z80     Z80     Z80     Namco     Samples   Custom    Bosconian (Namco)
  109. galaga    galaga.c    Z80     Z80     Z80     Namco     Samples             Galaga (Namco)
  110. galagamw  galaga.c    Z80     Z80     Z80     Namco     Samples             Galaga (Midway)
  111. galagads  galaga.c    Z80     Z80     Z80     Namco     Samples             Galaga (fast shoot)
  112. gallag    galaga.c    Z80     Z80     Z80     Namco     Samples             Gallag
  113. galagab2  galaga.c    Z80     Z80     Z80     Namco     Samples             Galaga (bootleg)
  114. digdug    digdug.c    Z80     Z80     Z80     Namco                         Dig Dug (Atari)
  115. digdugnm  digdug.c    Z80     Z80     Z80     Namco                         Dig Dug (Namco)
  116. xevious   xevious.c   Z80     Z80     Z80     Namco     Samples             Xevious (Namco)
  117. xeviousa  xevious.c   Z80     Z80     Z80     Namco     Samples             Xevious (Atari)
  118. sxevious  xevious.c   Z80     Z80     Z80     Namco     Samples             Super Xevious
  119. superpac  superpac.c  M6809   M6809           Namco                         Super Pac-Man (Midway)
  120. superpcn  superpac.c  M6809   M6809           Namco                         Super Pac-Man (Namco)
  121. pacnpal   superpac.c  M6809   M6809           Namco                         Pac & Pal
  122. mappy     mappy.c     M6809   M6809           Namco                         Mappy (US)
  123. mappyjp   mappy.c     M6809   M6809           Namco                         Mappy (Japan)
  124. digdug2   mappy.c     M6809   M6809           Namco                         Dig Dug 2
  125. todruaga  mappy.c     M6809   M6809           Namco                         Tower of Druaga
  126. motos     mappy.c     M6809   M6809           Namco                         Motos
  127. pacland   pacland.c   M6809   M6808                                         Pac-Land (Midway)
  128. paclandn  pacland.c   M6809   M6808                                         Pac-Land (Namco set 1)
  129. paclanda  pacland.c   M6809   M6808                                         Pac-Land (Namco set 2)
  130. cosmica   cosmica.c   Z80                                                   Cosmic Alien
  131. panic     panic.c     Z80                                                   Space Panic (set 1)
  132. panica    panic.c     Z80                                                   Space Panic (set 2)
  133. ladybug   ladybug.c   Z80                     2xSN76496                     Lady Bug
  134. snapjack  ladybug.c   Z80                     2xSN76496                     Snap Jack
  135. cavenger  ladybug.c   Z80                     2xSN76496                     Cosmic Avenger
  136. mrdo      mrdo.c      Z80                     2xSN76496                     Mr. Do! (Universal)
  137. mrdot     mrdo.c      Z80                     2xSN76496                     Mr. Do! (Taito)
  138. mrlo      mrdo.c      Z80                     2xSN76496                     Mr. Lo!
  139. mrdu      mrdo.c      Z80                     2xSN76496                     Mr. Du!
  140. docastle  docastle.c  Z80     Z80             4xSN76496                     Mr. Do's Castle (set 1)
  141. docastl2  docastle.c  Z80     Z80             4xSN76496                     Mr. Do's Castle (set 2)
  142. douni     docastle.c  Z80     Z80             4xSN76496                     Mr. Do vs. Unicorns
  143. dowild    dowild.c    Z80     Z80             4xSN76496                     Mr. Do! Wild Ride
  144. jjack     dowild.c    Z80     Z80             4xSN76496                     Jumping Jack
  145. dorunrun  dowild.c    Z80     Z80             4xSN76496                     Mr. Do! Run Run
  146. spiero    dowild.c    Z80     Z80             4xSN76496                     Super Piero (Japan)
  147. kickridr  dowild.c    Z80     Z80             4xSN76496                     Kick Rider
  148. radarscp  dkong.c     Z80     [I8039]         1xDAC     Samples             Radar Scope
  149. dkong     dkong.c     Z80     [I8039]         1xDAC     Samples             Donkey Kong (US)
  150. dkongjp   dkong.c     Z80     [I8039]         1xDAC     Samples             Donkey Kong (Japan)
  151. dkongjr   dkong.c     Z80     [I8039]         1xDAC     Samples             Donkey Kong Junior (US)
  152. dkngjrjp  dkong.c     Z80     [I8039]         1xDAC     Samples             Donkey Kong Jr. (Original Japanese)
  153. dkjrjp    dkong.c     Z80     [I8039]         1xDAC     Samples             Donkey Kong Junior (Japan)
  154. dkjrbl    dkong.c     Z80     [I8039]         1xDAC     Samples             Donkey Kong Junior (bootleg?)
  155. dkong3    dkong.c     Z80     [M6502] [M6502] 2xNES     1xDAC               Donkey Kong 3
  156. mario     mario.c     Z80     [I8039]         1xDAC     Samples             Mario Bros.
  157. masao     mario.c     Z80     [Z80]           1xAY-8910                     Masao
  158. popeye    popeye.c    Z80                     1xAY-8910                     Popeye
  159. popeyebl  popeye.c    Z80                     1xAY-8910                     Popeye (bootleg)
  160. punchout  punchout.c  Z80     [M6502]         1xNES     1xDAC     VLM5030   Punch Out
  161. spnchout  punchout.c  Z80     [M6502]         1xNES     1xDAC     VLM5030   Super Punch Out
  162. seawolf   8080bw.c    I8085                   Samples                       Sea Wolf
  163. gunfight  8080bw.c    I8085                   Samples                       Gunfight
  164. tornbase  8080bw.c    I8085                                                 Tornado Baseball
  165. 280zzzap  8080bw.c    I8085                                                 280-ZZZAP
  166. maze      8080bw.c    I8085                                                 The Amazing Maze Game
  167. boothill  8080bw.c    I8085                   Samples                       Boot Hill
  168. gmissile  8080bw.c    I8085                   Samples                       Guided Missile
  169. clowns    8080bw.c    I8085                   Samples                       Clowns
  170. spcenctr  8080bw.c    I8085                   Samples                       Space Encounters
  171. invaders  8080bw.c    I8085                   Samples                       Space Invaders
  172. invdelux  8080bw.c    I8085                   Samples                       Space Invaders Part II (Midway)
  173. invadpt2  8080bw.c    I8085                   Samples                       Space Invaders Part II (Taito)
  174. earthinv  8080bw.c    I8085                   Samples                       Super Earth Invasion
  175. spaceatt  8080bw.c    I8085                   Samples                       Space Attack II
  176. invrvnge  8080bw.c    I8085                   Samples                       Invader's Revenge
  177. galxwars  8080bw.c    I8085                   Samples                       Galaxy Wars
  178. lrescue   8080bw.c    I8085                   Samples                       Lunar Rescue
  179. desterth  8080bw.c    I8085                   Samples                       Destination Earth
  180. cosmicmo  8080bw.c    I8085                   Samples                       Cosmic Monsters
  181. spaceph   8080bw.c    I8085                   Samples                       Space Phantoms
  182. rollingc  8080bw.c    I8085                   Samples                       Rolling Crash / Moon Base
  183. bandido   8080bw.c    I8085                                                 Bandido
  184. schaser   8080bw.c    I8085                   Samples                       Space Chaser
  185. lupin3    8080bw.c    I8085                   Samples                       Lupin III
  186. helifire  8080bw.c    I8085                                                 Heli Fire
  187. spacefev  8080bw.c    I8085                                                 Space Fever
  188. astinvad  z80bw.c     Z80                     Samples                       Astro Invader
  189. kamikaze  z80bw.c     Z80                     Samples                       Kamikaze
  190. lazercmd  lazercmd.c  S2650                   1xDAC                         Lazer Command
  191. deadeye   meadows.c   S2650   [S2650]         1xDAC                         Dead Eye
  192. gypsyjug  meadows.c   S2650   [S2650]         1xDAC                         Gypsy Juggler
  193. wow       wow.c       Z80                     Samples                       Wizard of Wor
  194. robby     wow.c       Z80                                                   Robby Roto
  195. gorf      wow.c       Z80                     Samples                       Gorf
  196. gorfpgm1  wow.c       Z80                     Samples                       Gorf (Program 1)
  197. seawolf2  wow.c       Z80                                                   Sea Wolf II
  198. spacezap  wow.c       Z80                                                   Space Zap
  199. ebases    wow.c       Z80                                                   Extra Bases
  200. solarfox  mcr1.c      Z80     [Z80]           2xAY-8910                     Solar Fox
  201. kick      mcr1.c      Z80     [Z80]           2xAY-8910                     Kick
  202. shollow   mcr2.c      Z80     [Z80]           2xAY-8910                     Satan's Hollow
  203. tron      mcr2.c      Z80     [Z80]           2xAY-8910                     Tron
  204. kroozr    mcr2.c      Z80     [Z80]           2xAY-8910                     Kozmik Kroozr
  205. domino    mcr2.c      Z80     [Z80]           2xAY-8910                     Domino Man
  206. wacko     mcr2.c      Z80     [Z80]           2xAY-8910                     Wacko
  207. twotiger  mcr2.c      Z80     [Z80]           2xAY-8910                     Two Tigers
  208. journey   mcr2.c      Z80     [Z80]           2xAY-8910                     Journey
  209. tapper    mcr3.c      Z80     [Z80]           2xAY-8910                     Tapper (Budweiser)
  210. sutapper  mcr3.c      Z80     [Z80]           2xAY-8910                     Tapper (Suntory)
  211. rbtapper  mcr3.c      Z80     [Z80]           2xAY-8910                     Tapper (Root Beer)
  212. dotron    mcr3.c      Z80     [Z80]   [M6808] 2xAY-8910 TMS5520             Discs of Tron
  213. destderb  mcr3.c      Z80     [Z80]           2xAY-8910                     Demolition Derby
  214. timber    mcr3.c      Z80     [Z80]           2xAY-8910                     Timber
  215. spyhunt   mcr3.c      Z80     [Z80]   [M68000]2xAY-8910 1xDAC               Spy Hunter
  216. crater    mcr3.c      Z80     [Z80]           2xAY-8910                     Crater Raider
  217. sarge     mcr3.c      Z80     [M6809]         1xDAC                         Sarge
  218. rampage   mcr3.c      Z80     [M68000]        1xDAC                         Rampage
  219. xenophob  mcr68.c     M68000  [M68000]        1xDAC                         Xenophobe
  220. mpatrol   mpatrol.c   Z80     [M6808]         2xAY-8910 2xMSM5205           Moon Patrol
  221. mpatrolw  mpatrol.c   Z80     [M6808]         2xAY-8910 2xMSM5205           Moon Patrol (Williams)
  222. mranger   mpatrol.c   Z80     [M6808]         2xAY-8910 2xMSM5205           Moon Ranger
  223. yard      yard.c      Z80     [M6808]         2xAY-8910 2xMSM5205           10 Yard Fight
  224. vsyard    yard.c      Z80     [M6808]         2xAY-8910 2xMSM5205           10 Yard Fight (Vs. version)
  225. kungfum   kungfum.c   Z80     [M6808]         2xAY-8910 2xMSM5205           Kung Fu Master
  226. kungfub   kungfum.c   Z80     [M6808]         2xAY-8910 2xMSM5205           Kung Fu Master (bootleg)
  227. travrusa  travrusa.c  Z80     [M6808]         2xAY-8910 2xMSM5205           Traverse USA
  228. motorace  travrusa.c  Z80     [M6808]         2xAY-8910 2xMSM5205           MotoRace USA
  229. lrunner   lrunner.c   Z80     [M6808]         2xAY-8910 2xMSM5205           Lode Runner
  230. reactor   gottlieb.c  I86     [M6502]         1xDAC     Samples             Reactor
  231. mplanets  gottlieb.c  I86     [M6502]         1xDAC     Samples             Mad Planets
  232. qbert     gottlieb.c  I86     [M6502]         1xDAC     Samples             Q*Bert (US)
  233. qbertjp   gottlieb.c  I86     [M6502]         1xDAC     Samples             Q*Bert (Japan)
  234. sqbert    gottlieb.c  I86     [M6502]         1xDAC     Samples             FHMC Q*Bert
  235. krull     gottlieb.c  I86     [M6502]         1xDAC     Samples             Krull
  236. mach3     gottlieb.c  I86     [M6502] [M6502] 1xDAC     2xAY-8910           M.A.C.H. 3
  237. usvsthem  gottlieb.c  I86     [M6502] [M6502] 1xDAC     2xAY-8910           Us vs. Them
  238. 3stooges  gottlieb.c  I86     [M6502] [M6502] 1xDAC     2xAY-8910           Three Stooges
  239. qbertqub  gottlieb.c  I86     [M6502]         1xDAC     Samples             Q*Bert Qubes
  240. curvebal  gottlieb.c  I86     [M6502]         1xDAC     Samples             Curve Ball
  241. crbaloon  crbaloon.c  Z80                                                   Crazy Balloon (set 1)
  242. crbalon2  crbaloon.c  Z80                                                   Crazy Balloon (set 2)
  243. polaris   8080bw.c    I8085                                                 Polaris
  244. qix       qix.c       M6809   M6809   [M6808] 1xDAC                         Qix
  245. qix2      qix.c       M6809   M6809   [M6808] 1xDAC                         Qix II (Tournament)
  246. sdungeon  qix.c       M6809   M6809   [M6808] 1xDAC                         Space Dungeon
  247. zookeep   qix.c       M6809   M6809   [M6808] 1xDAC                         Zoo Keeper (set 1)
  248. zookeepa  qix.c       M6809   M6809   [M6808] 1xDAC                         Zoo Keeper (set 2)
  249. junglek   taito.c     Z80     [Z80]           4xAY-8910 1xDAC               Jungle King
  250. jhunt     taito.c     Z80     [Z80]           4xAY-8910 1xDAC               Jungle Hunt
  251. elevator  taito.c     Z80     [Z80]           4xAY-8910 1xDAC               Elevator Action
  252. elevatob  taito.c     Z80     [Z80]           4xAY-8910 1xDAC               Elevator Action (bootleg)
  253. wwestern  taito.c     Z80     [Z80]           4xAY-8910 1xDAC               Wild Western
  254. frontlin  taito.c     Z80     [Z80]           4xAY-8910 1xDAC               Front Line
  255. spaceskr  taito.c     Z80     [Z80]           4xAY-8910 1xDAC               Space Seeker
  256. bking2    bking2.c    Z80                                                   Birdie King 2
  257. gladiatr  gladiatr.c  Z80     [Z80]   [M6809] 1xYM-2203                     Gladiator
  258. ogonsiro  gladiatr.c  Z80     [Z80]   [M6809] 1xYM-2203                     Ohgon no Siro
  259. bublbobl  bublbobl.c  Z80     Z80     [Z80]   1xYM-2203 1xYM-3812           Bubble Bobble
  260. boblbobl  bublbobl.c  Z80     Z80     [Z80]   1xYM-2203 1xYM-3812           Bobble Bobble
  261. sboblbob  bublbobl.c  Z80     Z80     [Z80]   1xYM-2203 1xYM-3812           Super Bobble Bobble
  262. rastan    rastan.c    M68000  [Z80]           1xYM-2151a1xADPCM             Rastan
  263. rastsaga  rastan.c    M68000  [Z80]           1xYM-2151a1xADPCM             Rastan Saga
  264. rainbow   rainbow.c   M68000                                                Rainbow Islands
  265. rainbowe  rainbow.c   M68000                                                Rainbow Islands (Extra)
  266. arkanoid  arkanoid.c  Z80     M6805           1xAY-8910                     Arkanoid (Taito)
  267. arknoidu  arkanoid.c  Z80     M6805           1xAY-8910                     Arkanoid (Romstar)
  268. arkbl2    arkanoid.c  Z80     M6805           1xAY-8910                     Arkanoid (bootleg)
  269. arkatayt  arkanoid.c  Z80                     1xAY-8910                     Arkanoid (Tayto bootleg)
  270. superqix  superqix.c  Z80                     2xAY-8910                     Super Qix
  271. sqixbl    superqix.c  Z80                     2xAY-8910                     Super Qix (bootleg)
  272. tnzs      tnzs.c      Z80     Z80             1xYM-2203                     The New Zealand Story
  273. tnzs2     tnzs.c      Z80     Z80             1xYM-2203                     The New Zealand Story 2
  274. slapfigh  slapfght.c  Z80     [Z80]           2xAY-8910                     Slap Fight
  275. slapbtjp  slapfght.c  Z80     [Z80]           2xAY-8910                     Slap Fight (Japanese Bootleg)
  276. slapbtuk  slapfght.c  Z80     [Z80]           2xAY-8910                     Slap Fight (English Bootleg)
  277. ssi       ssi.c       M68000                                                Super Space Invaders '91
  278. robotron  williams.c  M6809   [M6808]         1xDAC                         Robotron (Solid Blue label)
  279. robotryo  williams.c  M6809   [M6808]         1xDAC                         Robotron (Yellow/Orange label)
  280. stargate  williams.c  M6809   [M6808]         1xDAC                         Stargate
  281. joust     williams.c  M6809   [M6808]         1xDAC                         Joust (White/Green label)
  282. joustr    williams.c  M6809   [M6808]         1xDAC                         Joust (Solid Red label)
  283. joustwr   williams.c  M6809   [M6808]         1xDAC                         Joust (White/Red label)
  284. sinistar  williams.c  M6809   [M6808]         1xDAC     Samples             Sinistar
  285. oldsin    williams.c  M6809   [M6808]         1xDAC     Samples             Sinistar (prototype version)
  286. bubbles   williams.c  M6809   [M6808]         1xDAC                         Bubbles
  287. bubblesr  williams.c  M6809   [M6808]         1xDAC                         Bubbles (Solid Red label)
  288. defender  williams.c  M6809   [M6808]         1xDAC                         Defender
  289. splat     williams.c  M6809   [M6808]         1xDAC                         Splat
  290. blaster   williams.c  M6809   [M6808]         1xDAC                         Blaster
  291. colony7   williams.c  M6809   [M6808]         1xDAC                         Colony 7 (set 1)
  292. colony7a  williams.c  M6809   [M6808]         1xDAC                         Colony 7 (set 2)
  293. lottofun  williams.c  M6809   [M6808]         1xDAC                         Lotto Fun
  294. vulgus    vulgus.c    Z80     [Z80]           2xAY-8910                     Vulgus
  295. sonson    sonson.c    M6809   [M6809]         2xAY-8910                     Son Son
  296. 1942      1942.c      Z80     [Z80]           2xAY-8910                     1942 (set 1)
  297. 1942a     1942.c      Z80     [Z80]           2xAY-8910                     1942 (set 2)
  298. exedexes  exedexes.c  Z80     [Z80]           2xAY-8910 2xSN76496           Exed Exes
  299. savgbees  exedexes.c  Z80     [Z80]           2xAY-8910 2xSN76496           Savage Bees
  300. commando  commando.c  Z80     [Z80]           2xYM-2203                     Commando (US)
  301. commandj  commando.c  Z80     [Z80]           2xYM-2203                     Commando (Japan)
  302. gng       gng.c       M6809   [Z80]           2xYM-2203                     Ghosts'n Goblins (US)
  303. gngcross  gng.c       M6809   [Z80]           2xYM-2203                     Ghosts'n Goblins (Cross)
  304. gngjap    gng.c       M6809   [Z80]           2xYM-2203                     Makai-mura (Japan)
  305. diamond   gng.c       M6809   [Z80]           2xYM-2203                     Diamond Run
  306. gunsmoke  gunsmoke.c  Z80     [Z80]           2xYM-2203                     Gunsmoke (World)
  307. gunsmrom  gunsmoke.c  Z80     [Z80]           2xYM-2203                     Gunsmoke (US)
  308. gunsmokj  gunsmoke.c  Z80     [Z80]           2xYM-2203                     Gunsmoke (Japan)
  309. sectionz  lwings.c    Z80     [Z80]           2xYM-2203                     Section Z
  310. trojan    lwings.c    Z80     [Z80]           2xYM-2203 1xADPCM             Trojan (US)
  311. trojanj   lwings.c    Z80     [Z80]           2xYM-2203 1xADPCM             Trojan (Japan)
  312. srumbler  srumbler.c  M6809   [Z80]           2xYM-2203                     Speed Rumbler (set 1)
  313. srumblr2  srumbler.c  M6809   [Z80]           2xYM-2203                     Speed Rumbler (set 2)
  314. lwings    lwings.c    Z80     [Z80]           2xYM-2203                     Legendary Wings (US)
  315. lwingsjp  lwings.c    Z80     [Z80]           2xYM-2203                     Legendary Wings (Japan)
  316. sidearms  sidearms.c  Z80     [Z80]           2xYM-2203                     Sidearms (US)
  317. sidearjp  sidearms.c  Z80     [Z80]           2xYM-2203                     Sidearms (Japan)
  318. 1943      1943.c      Z80     [Z80]           2xYM-2203                     1943 (US)
  319. 1943jap   1943.c      Z80     [Z80]           2xYM-2203                     1943 (Japan)
  320. blktiger  blktiger.c  Z80     [Z80]           2xYM-2203                     Black Tiger
  321. blkdrgon  blktiger.c  Z80     [Z80]           2xYM-2203                     Black Dragon
  322. tigeroad  tigeroad.c  M68000  [Z80]           2xYM-2203                     Tiger Road
  323. f1dream   tigeroad.c  M68000  [Z80]           2xYM-2203                     F1 Dream
  324. 1943kai   1943.c      Z80     [Z80]           2xYM-2203                     1943 Kai
  325. lastduel  lastduel.c  M68000  [Z80]           2xYM-2203                     Last Duel
  326. ghouls    cps1.c      M68000  [Z80]           1xYM-2151 1xOKI6295           Ghouls'n Ghosts (US?)
  327. ghoulsj   cps1.c      M68000  [Z80]           1xYM-2151 1xOKI6295           Ghouls'n Ghosts (Japan)
  328. madgear   lastduel.c  M68000  [Z80]           2xYM-2203                     Mad Gear
  329. strider   cps1.c      M68000  [Z80]           1xYM-2151 1xOKI6295           Strider (US)
  330. striderj  cps1.c      M68000  [Z80]           1xYM-2151 1xOKI6295           Strider (Japan)
  331. willow    cps1.c      M68000  [Z80]           1xYM-2151 1xOKI6295           Willow (Japan, English)
  332. willowj   cps1.c      M68000  [Z80]           1xYM-2151 1xOKI6295           Willow (Japan, Japanese)
  333. unsquad   cps1.c      M68000  [Z80]           1xYM-2151 1xOKI6295           UN Squadron (US)
  334. ffight    cps1.c      M68000  [Z80]           1xYM-2151 1xOKI6295           Final Fight (World)
  335. ffightj   cps1.c      M68000  [Z80]           1xYM-2151 1xOKI6295           Final Fight (Japan)
  336. 1941      cps1.c      M68000  [Z80]           1xYM-2151 1xOKI6295           1941 (World)
  337. 1941j     cps1.c      M68000  [Z80]           1xYM-2151 1xOKI6295           1941 (Japan)
  338. mtwins    cps1.c      M68000  [Z80]           1xYM-2151 1xOKI6295           Mega Twins (World)
  339. chikij    cps1.c      M68000  [Z80]           1xYM-2151 1xOKI6295           Chiki Chiki Boys (Japan)
  340. msword    cps1.c      M68000  [Z80]           1xYM-2151 1xOKI6295           Magic Sword (World)
  341. mswordj   cps1.c      M68000  [Z80]           1xYM-2151 1xOKI6295           Magic Sword (Japan)
  342. cawingj   cps1.c      M68000  [Z80]           1xYM-2151 1xOKI6295           Carrier Air Wing (Japan)
  343. nemo      cps1.c      M68000  [Z80]           1xYM-2151 1xOKI6295           Nemo (World)
  344. nemoj     cps1.c      M68000  [Z80]           1xYM-2151 1xOKI6295           Nemo (Japan)
  345. knights   cps1.c      M68000  [Z80]           1xYM-2151 1xOKI6295           Knights of the Round (World)
  346. pnickj    cps1.c      M68000  [Z80]           1xYM-2151 1xOKI6295           Pnickies (Japan)
  347. capbowl   capbowl.c   M6809   [M6809]         1xYM-2203 1xDAC               Capcom Bowling
  348. clbowl    capbowl.c   M6809   [M6809]         1xYM-2203 1xDAC               Coors Light Bowling
  349. bowlrama  capbowl.c   M6809   [M6809]         1xYM-2203 1xDAC               Bowl-O-Rama
  350. blockade  blockade.c  I8085                   Samples                       Blockade
  351. comotion  blockade.c  I8085                   Samples                       Comotion
  352. blasto    blockade.c  I8085                   Samples                       Blasto
  353. depthch   vicdual.c   Z80                     Samples                       Depth Charge
  354. safari    vicdual.c   Z80                     Samples                       Safari
  355. sspaceat  vicdual.c   Z80                     Samples                       Sega Space Attack
  356. headon    vicdual.c   Z80                     Samples                       Head On
  357. invho2    vicdual.c   Z80                     Samples                       Invinco / Head On 2
  358. invinco   vicdual.c   Z80                     Samples                       Invinco
  359. invds     vicdual.c   Z80                     Samples                       Invinco / Deep Scan
  360. tranqgun  vicdual.c   Z80                     Samples                       Tranquilizer Gun
  361. spacetrk  vicdual.c   Z80                     Samples                       Space Trek
  362. carnival  vicdual.c   Z80     [I8039]         1xAY-8910 Samples             Carnival
  363. pulsar    vicdual.c   Z80                     Samples                       Pulsar
  364. spacfury  sega.c      Z80                     Samples                       Space Fury (revision C)
  365. spacfura  sega.c      Z80                     Samples                       Space Fury (revision A)
  366. zektor    sega.c      Z80                     Samples                       Zektor
  367. tacscan   sega.c      Z80                     Samples                       Tac-Scan
  368. elim2     sega.c      Z80                     Samples                       Eliminator (2 Players)
  369. elim4     sega.c      Z80                     Samples                       Eliminator (4 Players)
  370. startrek  sega.c      Z80                     Samples                       Star Trek
  371. astrob    segar.c     Z80                                                   Astro Blaster (version 2)
  372. astrob1   segar.c     Z80                                                   Astro Blaster (version 1)
  373. 005       segar.c     Z80                                                   005
  374. monsterb  segar.c     Z80                                                   Monster Bash
  375. spaceod   segar.c     Z80                                                   Space Odyssey
  376. zaxxon    zaxxon.c    Z80                     Samples                       Zaxxon
  377. szaxxon   zaxxon.c    Z80                     Samples                       Super Zaxxon
  378. congo     congo.c     Z80     [Z80]           2xSN76496 Samples             Congo Bongo
  379. tiptop    congo.c     Z80     [Z80]           2xSN76496 Samples             Tip Top
  380. wbdeluxe  system8.c   Z80     [Z80]           2xSN76496                     Wonder Boy Deluxe
  381. upndown   system8.c   Z80     [Z80]           2xSN76496                     Up'n Down
  382. wbml      system8.c   Z80     [Z80]           2xSN76496                     Wonder Boy in Monster Land
  383. pitfall2  system8.c   Z80     [Z80]           2xSN76496                     Pitfall II
  384. chplft    system8.c   Z80     [Z80]           2xSN76496                     Choplifter
  385. chplftb   system8.c   Z80     [Z80]           2xSN76496                     Choplifter (alternate)
  386. chplftbl  system8.c   Z80     [Z80]           2xSN76496                     Choplifter (bootleg)
  387. shinobi   shinobi.c   M68000  [Z80]           1xYM-2151                     Shinobi
  388. aliensyn  shinobi.c   M68000  [Z80]           1xYM-2151                     Alien Syndrome
  389. tetrisbl  shinobi.c   M68000  [Z80]           1xYM-2151                     Tetris (Sega, bootleg)
  390. passshtb  shinobi.c   M68000  [Z80]           1xYM-2151                     Passing Shot (bootleg)
  391. altbeast  altbeast.c  M68000                                                Altered Beast
  392. goldnaxe  goldnaxe.c  M68000                                                Golden Axe
  393. lnc       btime.c     M6502   [M6502]         2xAY-8910                     Lock'n'Chase
  394. zoar      btime.c     M6502   [M6502]         2xAY-8910                     Zoar
  395. btime     btime.c     M6502   [M6502]         2xAY-8910                     Burger Time (Midway)
  396. btimea    btime.c     M6502   [M6502]         2xAY-8910                     Burger Time (Data East)
  397. hamburge  btime.c     M6502   [M6502]         2xAY-8910                     Hamburger
  398. bnj       btime.c     M6502   [M6502]         2xAY-8910                     Bump 'n' Jump
  399. brubber   btime.c     M6502   [M6502]         2xAY-8910                     Burnin' Rubber
  400. caractn   btime.c     M6502   [M6502]         2xAY-8910                     Car Action
  401. eggs      btime.c     M6502                   2xAY-8910                     Eggs
  402. scregg    btime.c     M6502                   2xAY-8910                     Scrambled Egg
  403. astrof    astrof.c    M6502                                                 Astro Fighter (set 1)
  404. astrof2   astrof.c    M6502                                                 Astro Fighter (set 2)
  405. firetrap  firetrap.c  Z80     [M6502]         1xYM-3812 1xMSM5205           Fire Trap
  406. firetpbl  firetrap.c  Z80     [M6502]         1xYM-3812 1xMSM5205           Fire Trap (Japan bootleg)
  407. brkthru   brkthru.c   M6809   [M6809]         1xYM-2203 1xYM-3812           Break Thru
  408. darwin    brkthru.c   M6809   [M6809]         1xYM-2203 1xYM-3812           Darwin 4078 (Japan)
  409. shootout  shootout.c  M6502   [M6502]         1xYM-2203                     Shoot Out
  410. sidepckt  sidepckt.c  M6809   [M6502]         1xYM-2203 1xYM-3812           Side Pocket
  411. cobracom  dec8.c      M6809   [M6502]         1xYM-2203 1xYM-3812           Cobra Command
  412. karnov    karnov.c    M68000  [M6502]         1xYM-2203 1xYM-3812           Karnov (US)
  413. karnovj   karnov.c    M68000  [M6502]         1xYM-2203 1xYM-3812           Karnov (Japan)
  414. chelnov   karnov.c    M68000  [M6502]         1xYM-2203 1xYM-3812           Chelnov - Atomic Runner (US)
  415. chelnovj  karnov.c    M68000  [M6502]         1xYM-2203 1xYM-3812           Chelnov - Atomic Runner (Japan)
  416. hbarrel   dec0.c      M68000  [M6502]         1xYM-2203 1xYM-3812 1xOKI6295 Heavy Barrel (US)
  417. hbarrelj  dec0.c      M68000  [M6502]         1xYM-2203 1xYM-3812 1xOKI6295 Heavy Barrel (Japan)
  418. baddudes  dec0.c      M68000  [M6502]         1xYM-2203 1xYM-3812 1xOKI6295 Bad Dudes
  419. drgninja  dec0.c      M68000  [M6502]         1xYM-2203 1xYM-3812 1xOKI6295 Dragonninja
  420. robocopp  dec0.c      M68000  [M6502]         1xYM-2203 1xYM-3812 1xOKI6295 Robocop (bootleg)
  421. hippodrm  dec0.c      M68000  [M6502]         1xYM-2203 1xYM-3812 1xOKI6295 Hippodrome
  422. ffantasy  dec0.c      M68000  [M6502]         1xYM-2203 1xYM-3812 1xOKI6295 Fighting Fantasy
  423. slyspy    dec0.c      M68000                  1xADPCM                       Sly Spy
  424. midres    dec0.c      M68000                  1xADPCM                       Midnight Resistance
  425. darkseal  darkseal.c  M68000                  1xADPCM                       Dark Seal
  426. gatedoom  darkseal.c  M68000                  1xADPCM                       Gate Of Doom
  427. bombjack  bombjack.c  Z80     [Z80]           3xAY-8910                     Bomb Jack
  428. starforc  starforc.c  Z80     [Z80]                                         Star Force
  429. megaforc  starforc.c  Z80     [Z80]                                         Mega Force
  430. pbaction  pbaction.c  Z80     [Z80]           3xAY-8910                     Pinball Action
  431. tehkanwc  tehkanwc.c  Z80     Z80     [Z80]   2xAY-8910 1xADPCM             Tehkan World Cup
  432. teedoff   tehkanwc.c  Z80     Z80     [Z80]   2xAY-8910 1xADPCM             Tee'd Off
  433. solomon   solomon.c   Z80     [Z80]           3xAY-8910                     Solomon's Key (Japan)
  434. rygar     tecmo.c     Z80     [Z80]           1xYM-3812 1xADPCM             Rygar (US)
  435. rygarj    tecmo.c     Z80     [Z80]           1xYM-3812 1xADPCM             Rygar (Japan)
  436. gemini    tecmo.c     Z80     [Z80]           1xYM-3812 1xADPCM             Gemini Wing
  437. silkworm  tecmo.c     Z80     [Z80]           1xYM-3812 1xADPCM             Silkworm
  438. gaiden    gaiden.c    M68000  [Z80]           2xYM-2203 1xOKI6295           Ninja Gaiden
  439. shadoww   gaiden.c    M68000  [Z80]           2xYM-2203 1xOKI6295           Shadow Warriors
  440. wc90      wc90.c      Z80     Z80     [Z80]   2xYM-2203                     World Cup 90
  441. wc90b     wc90b.c     Z80     Z80     [Z80]   2xYM-2203                     World Cup 90 (bootleg)
  442. pooyan    pooyan.c    Z80     [Z80]           2xAY-8910                     Pooyan
  443. pootan    pooyan.c    Z80     [Z80]           2xAY-8910                     Pootan
  444. timeplt   timeplt.c   Z80     [Z80]           2xAY-8910                     Time Pilot
  445. spaceplt  timeplt.c   Z80     [Z80]           2xAY-8910                     Space Pilot
  446. rocnrope  rocnrope.c  M6809   [Z80]           2xAY-8910                     Roc'n Rope
  447. ropeman   rocnrope.c  M6809   [Z80]           2xAY-8910                     Rope Man
  448. gyruss    gyruss.c    Z80     [Z80]   [I8039] 5xAY-8910 1xDAC               Gyruss (Konami)
  449. gyrussce  gyruss.c    Z80     [Z80]   [I8039] 5xAY-8910 1xDAC               Gyruss (Centuri)
  450. trackfld  trackfld.c  M6809   [Z80]           1xDAC     1xSN76496 VLM5030   Track & Field
  451. hyprolym  trackfld.c  M6809   [Z80]           1xDAC     1xSN76496 VLM5030   Hyper Olympic
  452. circusc   circusc.c   M6809   [Z80]           2xSN76496 1xDAC               Circus Charlie
  453. circusc2  circusc.c   M6809   [Z80]           2xSN76496 1xDAC               Circus Charlie (level select)
  454. tp84      tp84.c      M6809   M6809   [Z80]   3xSN76496                     Time Pilot 84
  455. hyperspt  hyperspt.c  M6809   [Z80]           1xDAC     1xSN76496 VLM5030   HyperSports
  456. sbasketb  sbasketb.c  M6809   [Z80]           1xDAC     1xSN76496 VLM5030   Super Basketball
  457. mikie     mikie.c     M6809   [Z80]           2xSN76496                     Mikie (US)
  458. mikiej    mikie.c     M6809   [Z80]           2xSN76496                     Mikie (Japan)
  459. roadf     hyperspt.c  M6809   [Z80]           1xDAC     1xSN76496 VLM5030   Road Fighter
  460. yiear     yiear.c     M6809                   1xSN76496 VLM5030             Yie Ar Kung Fu
  461. kicker    shaolins.c  M6809                   2xSN76496                     Kicker
  462. shaolins  shaolins.c  M6809                   2xSN76496                     Shao-Lin's Road
  463. pingpong  pingpong.c  Z80                     1xSN76496                     Ping Pong
  464. gberet    gberet.c    Z80                     1xSN76496                     Green Beret
  465. rushatck  gberet.c    Z80                     1xSN76496                     Rush'n Attack
  466. ironhors  ironhors.c  M6809   [Z80]           1xYM-2203                     Iron Horse
  467. farwest   ironhors.c  M6809   [Z80]           1xYM-2203                     Far West
  468. jackal    jackal.c    M6809   M6809           1xYM-2151                     Jackal
  469. topgunr   jackal.c    M6809   M6809           1xYM-2151                     Top Gunner
  470. contra    contra.c    M6809   [M6809]         1xYM-2151a                    Contra
  471. contrab   contra.c    M6809   [M6809]         1xYM-2151a                    Contra (bootleg)
  472. gryzorb   contra.c    M6809   [M6809]         1xYM-2151a                    Gryzor (bootleg)
  473. mainevt   mainevt.c   M6809                                                 The Main Event
  474. devstors  mainevt.c   M6809                                                 Devastators
  475. nemesis   nemesis.c   M68000  [Z80]           2xAY-8910                     Nemesis (hacked?)
  476. nemesuk   nemesis.c   M68000  [Z80]           2xAY-8910                     Nemesis (UK)
  477. konamigt  nemesis.c   M68000  [Z80]           2xAY-8910                     Konami GT
  478. tmnt      tmnt.c      M68000  [Z80]           1xYM-2151aSamples             TMNT (4 Players USA)
  479. tmntj     tmnt.c      M68000  [Z80]           1xYM-2151aSamples             TMNT (4 Players Japanese)
  480. tmht2p    tmnt.c      M68000  [Z80]           1xYM-2151aSamples             TMHT (2 Players UK)
  481. tmnt2pj   tmnt.c      M68000  [Z80]           1xYM-2151aSamples             TMNT (2 Players Japanese)
  482. punkshot  tmnt.c      M68000  [Z80]           1xYM-2151a                    Punk Shot
  483. venture   exidy.c     M6502   [M6502]                                       Venture (set 1)
  484. venture2  exidy.c     M6502   [M6502]                                       Venture (set 2)
  485. mtrap     exidy.c     M6502   [M6502]                                       Mouse Trap
  486. pepper2   exidy.c     M6502   [M6502]                                       Pepper II
  487. targ      exidy.c     M6502                   Custom    Samples             Targ
  488. spectar   exidy.c     M6502                   Custom    Samples             Spectar
  489. fax       exidy.c     M6502   [M6502]                                       Fax
  490. circus    circus.c    M6502                   1xDAC                         Circus
  491. robotbwl  circus.c    M6502                   1xDAC                         Robot Bowl
  492. crash     circus.c    M6502                   1xDAC                         Crash
  493. asteroid  asteroid.c  M6502                   Samples                       Asteroids (rev 2)
  494. asteroi1  asteroid.c  M6502                   Samples                       Asteroids (rev 1)
  495. astdelux  asteroid.c  M6502                   1xPokey   Samples             Asteroids Deluxe (rev 2)
  496. bwidow    bwidow.c    M6502                   2xPokey                       Black Widow
  497. bzone     bzone.c     M6502                   1xPokey   Samples             Battle Zone
  498. bzone2    bzone.c     M6502                   1xPokey   Samples             Battle Zone (alternate version)
  499. gravitar  bwidow.c    M6502                   2xPokey                       Gravitar
  500. llander   asteroid.c  M6502                   Custom                        Lunar Lander (rev 2)
  501. llander1  asteroid.c  M6502                   Custom                        Lunar Lander (rev 1)
  502. redbaron  bzone.c     M6502                   1xPokey   Samples             Red Baron
  503. spacduel  bwidow.c    M6502                   2xPokey                       Space Duel
  504. tempest   tempest.c   M6502                   2xPokey                       Tempest (rev 3)
  505. tempest1  tempest.c   M6502                   2xPokey                       Tempest (rev 1)
  506. tempest2  tempest.c   M6502                   2xPokey                       Tempest (rev 2)
  507. temptube  tempest.c   M6502                   2xPokey                       Tempest Tubes
  508. starwars  starwars.c  M6809   [M6809]         4xPokey   TMS5520             Star Wars
  509. mhavoc    mhavoc.c    M6502   M6502           4xPokey                       Major Havoc (rev 3)
  510. mhavoc2   mhavoc.c    M6502   M6502           4xPokey                       Major Havoc (rev 2)
  511. mhavocrv  mhavoc.c    M6502   M6502           4xPokey                       Major Havoc (Return to Vax)
  512. quantum   quantum.c   M68000                  2xPokey                       Quantum (rev 2)
  513. quantum1  quantum.c   M68000                  2xPokey                       Quantum (rev 1)
  514. centiped  centiped.c  M6502                   1xPokey                       Centipede (revision 3)
  515. centipd2  centiped.c  M6502                   1xPokey                       Centipede (revision 2)
  516. milliped  milliped.c  M6502                   2xPokey                       Millipede
  517. warlord   warlord.c   M6502                   1xPokey                       Warlords
  518. kangaroo  kangaroo.c  Z80     [Z80]           1xAY-8910                     Kangaroo
  519. arabian   arabian.c   Z80                     1xAY-8910                     Arabian
  520. missile   missile.c   M6502                   1xPokey                       Missile Command
  521. suprmatk  missile.c   M6502                   1xPokey                       Super Missile Attack
  522. sprint1   sprint2.c   M6502                                                 Sprint 1
  523. sprint2   sprint2.c   M6502                                                 Sprint 2
  524. sbrkout   sbrkout.c   M6502                   1xDAC                         Super Breakout
  525. dominos   dominos.c   M6502                                                 Dominos
  526. nitedrvr  nitedrvr.c  M6502                                                 Night Driver
  527. bsktball  bsktball.c  M6502                   3xDAC                         Basketball
  528. copsnrob  copsnrob.c  M6502                                                 Cops'n Robbers
  529. avalnche  avalnche.c  M6502                   2xDAC                         Avalanche
  530. marble    atarisy1.c  M68000  M6502           1xYM-2151 1xPokey             Marble Madness (set 1)
  531. marble2   atarisy1.c  M68000  M6502           1xYM-2151 1xPokey             Marble Madness (set 2)
  532. marblea   atarisy1.c  M68000  M6502           1xYM-2151 1xPokey             Marble Madness (set 3)
  533. peterpak  atarisy1.c  M68000  M6502           1xYM-2151 1xPokey             Peter Pack-Rat
  534. indytemp  atarisy1.c  M68000  M6502           1xYM-2151 TMS5520   1xPokey   Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
  535. roadrunn  atarisy1.c  M68000  M6502           1xYM-2151 TMS5520   1xPokey   Road Runner
  536. roadblst  atarisy1.c  M68000  M6502           1xYM-2151 TMS5520   1xPokey   Road Blasters
  537. paperboy  atarisy2.c  T-11    M6502           1xYM-2151 TMS5520   2xPokey   Paperboy
  538. ssprint   atarisy2.c  T-11    M6502           1xYM-2151 2xPokey             Super Sprint
  539. csprint   atarisy2.c  T-11    M6502           1xYM-2151 2xPokey             Championship Sprint
  540. 720       atarisy2.c  T-11    M6502           1xYM-2151 TMS5520   2xPokey   720 Degrees
  541. apb       atarisy2.c  T-11    M6502           1xYM-2151 TMS5520   2xPokey   APB
  542. gauntlet  gauntlet.c  M68000  M6502           1xYM-2151 TMS5520   1xPokey   Gauntlet
  543. gauntir1  gauntlet.c  M68000  M6502           1xYM-2151 TMS5520   1xPokey   Gauntlet (Intermediate Release 1)
  544. gauntir2  gauntlet.c  M68000  M6502           1xYM-2151 TMS5520   1xPokey   Gauntlet (Intermediate Release 2)
  545. gaunt2p   gauntlet.c  M68000  M6502           1xYM-2151 TMS5520   1xPokey   Gauntlet (2 Players)
  546. gaunt2    gauntlet.c  M68000  M6502           1xYM-2151 TMS5520   1xPokey   Gauntlet 2
  547. atetris   atetris.c   M6502                   2xPokey                       Tetris (set 1)
  548. atetrisa  atetris.c   M6502                   2xPokey                       Tetris (set 2)
  549. atetrisb  atetris.c   M6502                   2xPokey                       Tetris (bootleg)
  550. atetcktl  atetris.c   M6502                   2xPokey                       Tetris (Cocktail version)
  551. toobin    toobin.c    M68000  M6502           1xYM-2151 1xPokey             Toobin'
  552. vindictr  vindictr.c  M68000  M6502           1xYM-2151 1xPokey             Vindicators
  553. klax      klax.c      M68000                  1xOKI6295                     Klax (set 1)
  554. klaxalt   klax.c      M68000                  1xOKI6295                     Klax (set 2)
  555. blstroid  blstroid.c  M68000  M6502           1xYM-2151 TMS5520             Blasteroids
  556. eprom     eprom.c     M68000  M6502   M68000  1xYM-2151 TMS5520             Escape from the Planet of the Robot Monsters
  557. xybots    xybots.c    M68000  M6502           1xYM-2151 TMS5520   1xPokey   Xybots
  558. satansat  rockola.c   M6502                                                 Satan of Saturn
  559. zarzon    rockola.c   M6502                                                 Zarzon
  560. vanguard  rockola.c   M6502                                                 Vanguard
  561. fantasy   rockola.c   M6502                                                 Fantasy
  562. pballoon  rockola.c   M6502                                                 Pioner Balloon
  563. nibbler   rockola.c   M6502                                                 Nibbler (set 1)
  564. nibblera  rockola.c   M6502                                                 Nibbler (set 2)
  565. warpwarp  warpwarp.c  I8085                                                 Warp Warp
  566. mystston  mystston.c  M6502                                                 Mysterious Stones
  567. matmania  matmania.c  M6502   [M6502]         2xAY-8910 1xDAC               Mat Mania
  568. excthour  matmania.c  M6502   [M6502]         2xAY-8910 1xDAC               Exciting Hour
  569. maniach   matmania.c  M6502   [M6502]                                       Mania Challenge
  570. xsleena   xain.c      M6809   M6809   [M6809] 2xYM-2203                     Xain'd Sleena
  571. solarwar  xain.c      M6809   M6809   [M6809] 2xYM-2203                     Solar Warrior
  572. ddragon   ddragon.c   M6809   M6808   [M6809] 1xYM-2151a2xADPCM             Double Dragon
  573. ddragonb  ddragon.c   M6809   M6809   [M6809] 1xYM-2151a2xADPCM             Double Dragon (bootleg)
  574. ddragon2  ddragon.c   M6809   Z80     [Z80]   1xYM-2151a1xOKI6295           Double Dragon 2
  575. blockout  blockout.c  M68000  [Z80]           1xYM-2151a1xOKI6295           Block Out
  576. berzerk   berzerk.c   Z80                     Samples                       Berzerk
  577. berzerk1  berzerk.c   Z80                     Samples                       Berzerk (version 1)
  578. frenzy    berzerk.c   Z80                     Samples                       Frenzy
  579. frenzy1   berzerk.c   Z80                     Samples                       Frenzy (version 1)
  580. megatack  gameplan.c  M6502   [M6502]         1xAY-8910                     MegaTack
  581. killcom   gameplan.c  M6502   [M6502]         1xAY-8910                     Killer Comet
  582. challeng  gameplan.c  M6502   [M6502]         1xAY-8910                     Challenger
  583. kaos      gameplan.c  M6502   [M6502]         1xAY-8910                     Kaos
  584. route16   route16.c   Z80     Z80             1xAY-8910                     Route 16
  585. stratvox  route16.c   Z80     Z80             1xAY-8910 1xDAC     Samples   Stratovox
  586. monymony  zaccaria.c  Z80                                                   Money Money
  587. jackrabt  zaccaria.c  Z80                                                   Jack Rabbit
  588. nova2001  nova2001.c  Z80                     2xAY-8910                     Nova 2001
  589. ninjakd2  ninjakd2.c  Z80                     2xYM-2203                     Ninja Kid II
  590. ninjak2a  ninjakd2.c  [Z80]   Z80             2xYM-2203                     Ninja Kid II (alternate)
  591. bagman    bagman.c    Z80                     1xAY-8910                     Bagman
  592. bagmans   bagman.c    Z80                     1xAY-8910                     Bagman (Stern)
  593. sbagman   bagman.c    Z80                     1xAY-8910                     Super Bagman
  594. spacefb   spacefb.c   Z80     [I8039]         1xDAC                         Space Firebird
  595. tutankhm  tutankhm.c  M6809   [Z80]           2xAY-8910                     Tutankham (Konami)
  596. tutankst  tutankhm.c  M6809   [Z80]           2xAY-8910                     Tutankham (Stern)
  597. junofrst  junofrst.c  M6809   [Z80]           1xAY-8910                     Juno First
  598. ccastles  ccastles.c  M6502                   2xPokey                       Crystal Castles
  599. blueprnt  blueprnt.c  Z80     Z80             2xAY-8910                     Blue Print
  600. omegrace  omegrace.c  Z80     [Z80]           2xAY-8910                     Omega Race
  601. bankp     bankp.c     Z80                     3xSN76496                     Bank Panic
  602. espial    espial.c    Z80     [Z80]           1xAY-8910                     Espial (US?)
  603. espiale   espial.c    Z80     [Z80]           1xAY-8910                     Espial (Europe)
  604. cloak     cloak.c     M6502   M6502           2xPokey                       Cloak & Dagger
  605. champbas  champbas.c  Z80     Z80             1xAY-8910 1xDAC               Champion Baseball
  606. exerion   exerion.c   Z80                     2xAY-8910                     Exerion
  607. exerionb  exerion.c   Z80                     2xAY-8910                     Exerion (bootleg)
  608. foodf     foodf.c     M68000                  3xPokey                       Food Fight
  609. jack      jack.c      Z80     [Z80]           1xAY-8910                     Jack the Giant Killer
  610. zzyzzyxx  jack.c      Z80     [Z80]           1xAY-8910                     Zzyzzyxx
  611. vastar    vastar.c    Z80     Z80             1xAY-8910                     Vastar
  612. aeroboto  aeroboto.c  M6809   [M6809]         2xAY-8910                     Aeroboto
  613. citycon   citycon.c   M6809   [M6809]         2xYM-2203                     City Connection
  614. jedi      jedi.c      M6502   M6502           4xPokey   TMS5520             Return of the Jedi
  615. tankbatt  tankbatt.c  M6502                   Samples                       Tank Battalion
  616. liberatr  liberatr.c  M6502                   2xPokey                       Liberator
  617. wiz       wiz.c       Z80     [Z80]           3xAY-8910                     Wiz
  618. roundup   thepit.c    Z80     [Z80]           1xAY-8910                     Round-Up
  619. thepit    thepit.c    Z80     [Z80]           1xAY-8910                     The Pit
  620. dday      dday.c      Z80                     2xAY-8910                     D-Day
  621. toki      toki.c      M68000  Z80             1xYM-3812 1xMSM5205           Toki (bootleg)
  622. snowbros  snowbros.c  M68000  [Z80]           1xYM-3812                     Snow Bros
  623. gundealr  gundealr.c  Z80                     1xYM-2203                     Gun Dealer
  624. leprechn  leprechn.c  M6502   [M6502]         1xAY-8910                     Leprechaun
  625. hexa      hexa.c      Z80                     1xAY-8910                     Hexa
  626. redalert  redalert.c  M6502   [M6502] [I8085] 1xAY-8910                     Red Alert
  627. irobot    irobot.c    M6809                   4xPokey                       I, Robot
  628. spiders   spiders.c   M6809                                                 Spiders
  629. stactics  stactics.c  I8085                                                 Space Tactics
  630. goldstar  goldstar.c  Z80                     1xAY-8910 1xOKI6295           Golden Star